Thursday, June 12, 2014

Flower close ups

When capturing a flower, focus mainly around the center of the flower. I do NOT want you to focus dead center on the flower because our eyes are drawn naturally to the center of objects and by putting the focus point alittle ways from the center point, it makes the admirer really, actually look at the photo.
Another thing to keep straight is where you put the main object-you're focusing on- in the photo. Most will just put it smack-dab in the middle but that is not very exciting, put it off center. Don't worry, it will look very professional, but you don't want to over use this technique . In many cases you will need to somewhat center the main focus such as family photos or if you focus on more than one object.
This picture below I took about a month ago.
If you see I don't focus right on the center of the flower, but to the couple petals right next to it. I also moved the focus point left of the center of the photo.

I hope I gave you helpful advice! And please feel free to comment any questions or comments about my advice. Thanks!

Yours Truly,
📚The BookWorm Photographer📷

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

About the author/photographer

Hello! I'm Anna. I live in Wisconsin and yes, I love cheese!  I am a ninth grader who enjoys doing all different kinds of clubs and extracurricular activities. The reason I created this blog is to give tips on photography and examples, and to also review/recommend books. I am always looking for tips to share and photos to acknowledge for their originality, or a title of a good book. I hope you enjoy my advice, and feel free give me any advice!


📚The BookWorm Photographer 📷